






1.题目:Data Management for Deep Learning

主讲人:香港科技大学 陈雷 教授

2.题目:Hong Kong Generative AI Development at HKUST

主讲人:香港科技大学 周晓方 教授

3.题目:ChatGPT 对人工智能研究及社会发展的影响

主讲人:悉尼科技大学 张成奇 教授


主讲人:上海交通大学 林学民 教授



 Lei Chen,  is a chair professor in the data science and analytic thrust at HKUST (GZ), Fellow of the IEEE, and a Distinguished Member of the ACM. Currently, Prof. Chen serves as the dean of information hub,  the director of Big Data Institute at HKUST, MOE/MSRA Information Technology Key Laboratory. Prof. Chen’s research interests include Data-driven AI, knowledge graphs, blockchains, data privacy, crowdsourcing, spatial and temporal databases and query optimization on large graphs and probabilistic databases. He received his BS degree in computer science and engineering from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, MA degree from Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, and PhD in computer science from the University of Waterloo, Canada. Prof. Chen received the SIGMOD Test-of-Time Award in 2015, Best research paper award in VLDB 2022 .The system developed by Prof. Chen’s team won the excellent demonstration award in VLDB 2014. Prof. Chen had served as VLDB 2019 PC Co-chair. Currently, Prof. Chen serves as Editor-in-chief of IEEE Transaction on Data and Knowledge Engineering and an executive member of the VLDB endowment.

Professor Xiaofang Zhou is Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). He is Otto Poon Professor of Engineering and Chair Professor of Computer Science and Engineering. He is also the Co-Director of HKUST Big Data Institute, founding Director of HKUST-HKPC Joint Lab on Industrial AI and Robotics Research, HKUST-China Unicom Joint Lab on Smart Society, HKUST-Huawei Joint Innovation Lab on Foundational Software, and JC STEM Lab on Data Science Foundations. He is a lead researcher in the HKGAI project, which is funded by the Hong Kong Government in its InnoHK initiative. He has been working in databases, data quality management, big data analytics, and machine learning, co-authored over 500 research papers. He was Program Committee Chair of the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2013), the ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2016), and the International Conference on Very Large Databases (PVLDB 2020). He was the General Chair of the ACM Multimedia Conference (MM 2015). Professor Zhou is a Global STEM Scholar of Hong Kong and a Fellow of IEEE.

悉尼科技大学人工智能杰出教授、悉尼科技大学副校长 、国际人工智能联合会 (IJCAI) - 2024 年大会主席。张成奇教授自 2017 年 12 月 1 日起担任悉尼科技大学副校长,并于 2017 年 2 月 27 日被任命为悉尼科技大学(人工智能)杰出教授。2019 年,他被任命为 IJCAI-2024 的大会主席和 IJCAI 理事会成员 (2022-2026)。 2021年到2023年受邀担任《麻省理工科技评论35岁以下创新者》(TR35)中国及亚太区评委。迄今为止,已发表科研论文350余篇; 其中,在一流国际期刊(如AIJ、IEEE、ACM Transactions)发表论文100余篇。 1992年成为第一位在世界顶级人工智能期刊《人工智能》发表论文的中国大陆作者。 据谷歌学术统计,论文总被引用次数超过 30,000 次,H-index 为 70。曾受邀在国际会议上发表主题演讲 28 次。 指导博士研究生30余人,其中10人晋升为正教授。 他是 2011 年工程和 ICT 类新南威尔士州科学与工程奖的获得者,以及 2011 年悉尼科技大学领导力杰出研究校长奖的获得者。

林学民是上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院数据与商务智能系讲席教授、系主任。他是IEEE会士(FIEEE)及欧洲科学院院士(MAE),曾任IEEE TKDE杂志的主编。林教授的研究领域包括图数据库、分布式数据库系统、数据挖掘、空间数据库系统和数据流等。他在顶级会议和期刊包括SIGMOD、VLDB、KDD、ICDE、TODS、VLDBJ和 TKDE发表了200余篇论文,被引用逾两万次。